Gunsmithing, Cleaning and Repairs, Consultation, Gun Safety Training,
Firearm Transfers, Consignment Sales, Estate Sales, Customer Layaway
Firearm Transfers, Consignment Sales, Estate Sales, Customer Layaway
* Please see the specific menu pages for more details and pricing
GUNSMITHINGWe perform general gunsmithing services in our shop. For more detailed work, our affiliation with a custom gun builder enables us to have fabricated any out of production part needed, making it possible to repair or restore just about anything.
CONSIGNMENTLakeville Gun Shop will place on display the mutually agreed upon item or items in a prominent area of the business. We will obtain the price set by the consignee for each item sold, and will accept nothing less than the agreed upon purchase price.
TRANSFERSTransfer will include receiving the firearm at our location, completing State and Federal forms, calling in NICS background check, reviewing necessary disclosures and recording the transaction per BATF rules and regulations.